Monday, October 13, 2008

Pre-advertising for PAS Swap Meet - Dec 4, 2008

How would you like to get some pre-advertising for the items you plan to sell at the December PAS Swap Meet?

Send info about your item, just a very brief description & starting price to me and Don & I will post it in the December PAStimes newsletter as ITEMS YOU MIGHT FIND AT THIS YEAR'S PAS SWAP MEET.

Remember, if you don't sell it at the swap meet, PAS also has a forum set up where by any current PAS member can post their items for sale. If you don't know how to post them, send it to me and I'll do it for you. It will stay up there for everyone to view until it is sold.

So, send me your items.

1) Send the items you will be bringing to the PAS Swap Meet for the newsletter.

2) The rest can be put on line to sell.


Thanks. We hope to see you at the DECEMBER PAS SWAP MEET where you are sure to find a bargain.

When is the December PAS Swap Meet? At the December 4th PAS Meeting in the PVCC Library at 7pm.

This is how the PAS Swap Meet works:

Bring your items. For each item, grab a separate piece of paper.
On it put an item description and your starting price. If you forget your
paper and marker, Terri will have extras as the meeting for use. I prefer
you pre-do the write up before the meeting as that will allow everyone
more time to bid on your items, rather than you standing there waiting
on me to find the paper and pen, for you to make your signs.

Leave the rest of the page blank.

Then, as everyone mills around looking at the items for sale,
they can add their bid and either their first name or initials next to
their bid. The bidding goes on from 7pm to 9:15pm.

When the speaker has finished for the night, we close the meeting, and those
needing to swap cash for purchases can do so. So, from about 9:15 to 9:30 the transactions happen and everyone leaves happy. Remember, we HAVE TO BE out of the Library by 9:30pm.

It's a fun swap. We'd love to see you there!

You do not need to be a PAS member to include your item for sale or
to purchase.

You do need to be a PAS member to get your item listed in the newsletter in the Pre-advertised section...

and You do need to be a PAS member to freely post your item in the forums on the website. You are doing the posting, or email Terri your items and she will post them for you.

But you do not need to be a PAS member to advertise for a small fee, your item in the forums on the website. Small fee - PAS asks for $2+ donation (your donation is appreciated) to advertise your item for sale. Make the check out to PAS. You can send it to Me ( with the ad by post office, or send the check, and then email Terri with the details. When the check is received, the details will be put on line.

Have a super day! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!

Terri, Events Coordinator
Phoenix Astronomical Society