Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ice Halos & Hours of Venus

Space Weather News for Jan. 14, 2009

FANTASTIC ICE HALOS: Researchers in Finland have discovered a new way to create luminous ice halos in the night sky. Their tools are as simple as a bright lamp and icy, blowing air. Some of the arcs they routinely photograph were previously seen only in remote parts of Antarctica. Sample photos and must-see movies are featured in today's edition of

HOURS OF VENUS: Today and for the rest of the week, Venus is at maximum elongation (greatest apparent distance) from the sun. This means the silvery planet is "up" for more than three hours after sunset. Go outside after dark, face south, and take a long look. Venus is so bright it outshines city lights and even pierces thin clouds. The view through a backyard telescope may surprise you. Check for images and more information.

Terri, Events Coordinator
Phoenix Astronomical Society

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

PAS UPcoming Events to 2009: File updated

Good afternoon,

I've been updating the files on line with the changes that match the online calendar and I wanted to let everyone know that the Upcoming events file, among others, has been updated and is ready for download.

Please visit this link: PAS UPCOMING EVENTS TO 2009 in the downloads section or use the link i have provided here, and print a new copy of what events PAS will be doing. Several new ones have been added. Some mistakes were fixed and some other events were removed. It should now match the calendar on line.

Remember also, in the Downloads section, if you do not see what you are looking for, go to the bottom of the page of items and see if there is a 2nd or 3rd page of items. We are on page 2 in the Fliers & Info category. Do not just assume the file you are seeking isn't there. You can also search the data base using the link at the top of your page in the blue bar, putting in key words and most of the time, the document or event you are seeking can be found that way. And if you have to ask for help, there are many members in PAS who will assist you in finding the right links to the info you are seeking.

Have a super day!

Terri, Events Coordinator
Phoenix Astronomical Society

NEW IYA2009 Songs

Hello, my name is Allen Williams and I'm a music writer and producer.

Recently, I completed a song for IYA2009 called "Discover The Universe". The song is featured on a CD called "The NASA Songs (IYA2009 Special Edition)". It's an up tempo youth dance song that hopefully will bring more attention to the IYA2009. You can listen to the song at the following link. Also on this link is a song called "Earth's Song". "Earth's Song" is a beautiful instrumental that hopefully can be used to help bring about peace in the world. The CD also contains a song called "NASA", which is a classical-adventure song designed to inspire others to be filled with the imagination of space exploration. "NASA" from my understanding, is the first song to be written with the agency's name as a title song. Please note: The song "Discover The Universe" is only available on the "The NASA Songs" (IYA2009) CD's with the IYA2009 logo on the front covers. Please feel free to forward the links and this email to whomever you think might have an interest in the IYA2009 and NASA, be it friends, family, club members, or national and local radio stations. It would probably make a nice Star Party CD to have since so many youth enjoy watching the stars. Also available are some unique (Diner-mate) IYA2009 / NASA gift item on the links to Diner-Mate and Space Junk Cafe'.

Thanks and happy IYA2009!


Gift Items:

Songs link:

Terri, Events Coordinator
Phoenix Astronomical Society

Black Canyon City Star Party 1/17 Saturday - CANCELED

The Park at BCC for which we had a star party planned for this weekend is rented out to another group. It will be a wild night and they are staying late into the night with lights everywhere. Rod was just informed of this situation and has opted to CANCEL the star party this Saturday in that location. Please make a note of this and have a super day. We will see you at a future star party or PAS Event.

Terri, Events Coordinator
Phoenix Astronomical Society