Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Good morning PAS members!!!

It was brought to my attention that our photographer, a highly needed
person for a photo shoot, will be unavailable for our first photo shoot
date. Thus we are canceling the photo shoot for July 19th.

Now, because of Monsoons and becvuase the next date has an event
on it already, I'm going to cancel July 26th as well. Monsoons are just
getting in the way.

So, here is the back up plan. 3pm in the heat of summer, is very hot.
I agree with what Sam writes below.... in that the monsoons are getting
in the way, and relocating the photo shoot to another location, further
away, won't be good for gas prices either.

So, Let's look at October, the early part of October.... And why I picked
October over September is that the news people say that the Monsoon
season lasts to Sept 30. I"m not saying we are going to have rain up to
then, I'm thinking, why not get away from that possibility. And the
Beginning of October is usually really decent weather.... and cooler at 3pm.

So, I'm going to announce right here that we will set up 2 of the following
dates in October, the first of which will be set, the second will be backup,
etc. And I want input. If you can attend in October on the following dates,
give me your list of which dates and we will go with the 2 dates, like we
did for July, that have the most people being able to attend.

We will still do it at N. Mt Park V.C. becuase the view there is really nice
and I think it will show us in the foreground with our scopes, with some
AZ scenery behind us. Chris can pick the actual location to do the photo
shoot there at N. Mt Park, if he sees something better than the trees I
decided to do it by at the circular walkway. We will meet at the circular
walkway at 3pm, and move to our set up location after Chris picks it,
thus allowing for a nice background for our photo.

So, here are some dates to consider. I'm going to include some in September
too, so we have enough to choose from.

Your RSVP will be required for Attendance/photo.

Your RSVP is to confirm the dates you can attend. Let me know as soon
as you can.
I think I'll set a deadline of Sept 15th to let me know which dates work
for you.

Sept 20 would be a good date, nothing extra planned on it. 3pm?

We are already at N. Mt Park Oct 4th, that would be an awesome day,
but we may wish to set up 3 hours prior for the photo.... the star party
begins at 5,
we could set up for photo at 2pm, allowing time to take photo, clean up
from photo, move to new set up location, maybe have food before crowd
comes, and then start star party there at 5pm. Ideas? Does 2pm work
on this date for everyone?

What's cool about doing this in October is that Bruce can be there with
his 20". That would be great for the club photo!!!

Oct 11 - A clear date, no events currently. Let's put that one down for 3pm.

Oct 18 - A clear date, no events currently. Let's put that one down for 3pm.

Oct 25 has BCC star party so we won't schedule that date.

Now, if we can get more people to attend for the photo shoot on Oct 4th,
I'd prefer to do that date as we are already scheduled to be there.

What's your input? And give me your RSVP's. You can always change the
RSVP up to the Deadline, but if Know how many can attend what dates,
it will be better for picking the 2 we need to set up.

CHRIS I need your input as well.

Here's what Sam wrote:
Thank you Sam, for your input and I agree with all you have said here.

Terri, Since Chris is unavailable this Saturday to photograph us (see his comments in the
Forum), I assume you are canceling the 3 pm photo shoot at N. Mt. Let me know for sure.
He suggests that we have the photo shoot on July 26th at Black Canyon City. Since we
are in monsoon season, I think it is a waste of gasoline to have us go way out there for a
photoshoot, since it would be unlikely the skies would be good enough for a star party.
I still think you should have the photo shoot in the valley. If you want to postpone it until
the fall when weather is nicer, that is ok with me, but if you want it July 26th, I suggest
we have it in the Valley to save gas money. Also, I don't know if people are on vacation,
or just don't care to be in the picture, but the fact that only you and I rsvp'd to be in the
photo surprises me. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Sam

I've given everyone 4 dates above to choose from. RSVP for those you are
available for now so we can pick the date we will do it.

Terri, Events Coordinator
Phoenix Astronomical Society