Friday 3/14 is our first of 3 North Mountain Park star parties. Set up is 5pm, public is due shortly after, and we go until 9:30pm.
I currently have Don, Rod, Sam, Mike and Terri attending with telescopes.
We also have 10+ RSVP's from the public. Your help is needed and appreciated.
If you can make it, drop me an email by Thursday to let me know. Thanks. ALL size scopes are welcome.
Sat 3/15 is our second Telescope Training Workshop at PV Park, 40th Street and Union Hills. This outing does not require a telescope. If you know anything about telescopes, please assist. We meet at the park at 6pm and stay until our class members (the public) wishes to depart or 10pm. Remember, the idea behind this class is to assist the public with their new scope in learning to use it where there IS LIGHT, such as PV Park and a 1st quarter Moon. So, it is NOT an observing session for the PAS Membership, it is a class to help those in need. PAS Members are urged to attend as teachers, or bring your scope and learn some more about it at this event. It is open to the public and we have 2 telescopes due to show up at this event so far. Weather permitting, we will have it. RSVP is with me, by Friday at Noon, if you wish to help. This way I have a little time to gather names of those helping and those attending, just in case we have to cancel. Right now, we are doing it, unless bad weather gets in the way. See you there. RSVP of PAS members so far is Rod and Terri. If you aren't on this list and wish to be, please let me know.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Terri, Events Coordinator
Phoenix Astronomical Society